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Laura Duensing holding ice cream behind food blogging setup

Hi, I’m Laura, and thank you so much for visiting my little corner of the internet!

I used to run a food blog of ten plus years called PheNOMenal Phoods. I did a little bit of everything, including sweet and savory recipes. I claimed to focus on making cooking and baking simple and accessible to all. That all went out the window by the time I had my second kid. I realized that a lot of my recipes took way too much time, and they were not suited to family life.

I got overwhelmed by my full time job of keeping PheNOMenal Phoods up and running and shut it down when my daughter was born. I now have a 4 year old son and a 2 year old daughter, and I’m ready to get back to it!

Hungry Hungry Kiddos is all about family-friendly recipes. There is a heavy focus on baking because it’s what I truly love to do, but you will find savory recipes here as well.

My son has an egg allergy so I almost never use eggs for baking these days. He loves to help me bake, and I want him to be able to touch and taste all of the ingredients used in my kitchen.

All of my recipes are toddler taste-tested, and about 90% of them are recipes that I have made with my kids helping me.

Work with me

Here are a few ways I would love to work with you!

  1. RECIPE DEVELOPMENT – Creating recipes from scratch using your products. 5-7 High quality images, including 1-2 with product.
  2. FOOD PHOTOGRAPHY – Styling, photographing and editing new or existing recipes, reshooting old blog content, product photography, restaurant photography
  3. BLOG POSTING AND SOCIAL MEDIA – Social and blog posting available upon request. Can be customized.
  4. LONG TERM PARTNERSHIPS – Long term partnerships and package pricing available. 3 month or 6 month package deals with 1 new content post per month. Rate sheet available upon request.


I have partnered with several brands and companies for recipe development and food photography.

Here is a sample of brands I have partnered with

  • Strong Women’s Fitness Magazine
  • Thrive Magazine
  • Kodiak Cakes
  • Taylor & Colledge
  • Theo Chocolate
  • ALDI
  • Dishing Charlotte Magazine
  • Suncore Foods
  • Whisps